In a time when travel is not ideal, we explore the world in other ways. One easily attainable way is to pick up a book and adventure through the pages that lead you in story. One book, The Bookshop Book by Jen Campbell, speaks dearly to my bookworm heart, as it led me through the different continents and into the lives of bookstore owners and various authors, too. Intertwined bookish facts and beautifully written prose draw you into the core drive of booksellers and booklovers. As an introvert who loves to read, and a dreamer who gets lost in the possibilities of a life surrounded by book bindings, various typefaces, and stories for everyone, I greatly enjoyed this book.

As you read through each story, you really get insight into the bookselling industry from past times and into the questionable future of independent bookstores. For those who love to get lost in a book, this work not only captures how we have been served and understood by like minded bibliophiles, but also makes you wonder what life would be like without our beloved bookshops. Any book that strikes a chord within you to call you to action, is one worth reading. One simple way to support our bookstores without having to visit each one, is to make the switch from purchasing on Amazon to

I would have to say there is no comparison between online bookshops to going into a brick and mortar shop, which is another reason why I loved reading this book. The detail annotated really gives you a sense of being in a bookstore from how familiar the sweet and inviting bookshop smells to the pleasure of just passing your hand across the book jackets as you pursue your next literary adventure. If you are like me and you use your lunch break to visit the nearest bookstore or map out all the bookstores in the areas you vacation at, this book is for you.

It’s a great quick read for those who not only love to read, but also for those who like learning about the lives of really people from around word and what creative passions drive them through joyous challenges.

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